A Homeowner's Guide to Buying a Refrigerator
When you're ready to purchase a new refrigerator, here are some options you should consider.
If you walk down the refrigerator aisle of your local home appliance store, you're bound to see a wide variety of refrigerator styles, sizes, and technological features that are available to consumers today. Newer refrigerators are designed to be much more energy-efficient than their older counterparts. They come in four common types: top-freezer models, bottom-freezer models, side-by-side models, and four-door models. When you're ready to purchase a new refrigerator, here are some options you should consider.
Top-Freezer Models
Top-freezer refrigerators are the most popular and standard and are the least expensive. These traditional models feature their freezer compartments at the top of the units, directly above the refrigeration compartments. Their simple design offers practicality and affordability.
Bottom-Freezer Models
As its name suggests, a bottom-freezer refrigerator features a freezer compartment at the bottom and a refrigeration compartment directly above. The eye-level freezer compartment makes it much more convenient because items are easily accessible. These models tend to be larger than top-freezer ones.
Side-by-Side Models
Side-by-side refrigerators feature identical-sized freezer and refrigeration compartments, which means there's less refrigeration space than in other models.
Four-Door Models
These refrigerators are perfect for larger kitchens and can accommodate large families.
They feature French-door-style tops, a center door, a bottom freezer, and multiple compartments that can keep groceries fresher for longer.
Refrigerator Features and Functions
If you're willing to spend the money, you can customize your refrigerator to suit your design aesthetic, which means it can be painted in an array of dazzling colors. Refrigerator features include extra storage capacity and larger compartments, accurate humidity control, advanced lighting options, water and ice dispensers, blast chillers, and door alarms. Fridges can also be high-tech, offering Wi-Fi connectivity and nifty touchscreen controls.
Mr Fixer takes pride in providing quality refrigerator repair, washing machine repair, dryer repair, and stove repair services in Atlanta, Georgia, and surrounding areas. Call us today at 404-924-4606 for written estimates. We repair appliances of all makes and models.